

Central Animal House

About Central Animal House


The Central Animal House of the Panjab University was established in 1986.It is a premier institution of animal breeding and supply in the country. A number of animals are used with the humane care in our department for conducting a variety of experiments on animals for biomedical and behavioural research, with the basic objective of, advancement of biological knowledge which is useful for saving the lives and /or alleviating the suffering of human being, animals and plants., However such experiments are performed with due care so as to minimise the pain inflicted on animals.

Adequate veterinary care is provided. Daily observation of animals is accomplished by animal technicians who have training and experience in laboratory animal sciences and medicine, are handling the breeding and experimentation carried out by research scientists.

Animal House has 2 wings; breeding and experimental.

BREEDING WING: Animal house has rats, mice and rabbits which are maintained under hygienic conditions under electrical controlled environment. Animals are kept in clean, autoclaved cages. They are fed nutritional diet and filtered water. Fresh movement of air in animal rooms is controlled by exhaust fans. Air conditioners are provided in each animal room where proper temperature in maintained for breeding throughout the year. We have washing yard for cleaning animal cages and autoclave for sterilization. We are having 62 KV power generators to maintain continuous electricity supply during power cut or breakdown.

EXPERIMENTAL WING: It has 36 animal rooms in 3 rows which are used by various research departments. The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) has been designed to bring out uniformity in the working IAEC, so that consistent views are taken while reviewing the proposals entailing use of animals for experimentation. This manual explains, in clear and simple terms, the CPCSEA approved procedure and rules position.


Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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